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  1. Nick on July 23, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    Whats your favourite ab excersises? or routine

    • Radu Antoniu on July 24, 2015 at 7:31 pm

      Hey Nick,

      I like Hanging Leg Raises, Ab wheel roll-outs, Side-to-side knee ups, and lying leg raises. I usually do this higher rep (12-15) and with short rest periods. I sometimes super-set these exercises as well.

  2. yasu on August 21, 2015 at 1:31 am

    Hey Radu Antoniu,

    I have question in measuring my waist,I hv about 4 months didn’t train my abs my waist is like 32inch and inaddition my height is 180 tall and weight is76 kg,but once i train my abs my waist increase 1 inch.I dnt knw i am advance lifter or not because i’m working out for 5 years and im a student.The reasons for not training abs for 4 months is due to exam(important in life) so i cut short my working out from 2 h to 1 h and 4 days to 2 days,normally my abs is trained in 3 to 4 days a week thus this is my 1st time rely my waist ratio to measure bf

    • Radu Antoniu on August 21, 2015 at 5:31 pm


      It seems your abs get “pumped” as well. That’s ok I wouldn’t say that is fat gain.

  3. Rares on August 27, 2015 at 11:44 pm

    Hei. Faci o treaba foarte buna. Se vede ca esti dedicat in tot ce faci. Am observat ca ai o subtitrare ca sa ii spun asa la aproape fiecare video. Per total imi pare o munca titanica :-))) Sper sa ajungi la fel ca ala de la Ab Shortcuts..mai bine chiar :-)).Crezi ca as putea sa iti trimit o poza full body si sa imi dai niste sfaturi ? Ai stima si respectele mele.Mersi anticipat.

    • Radu Antoniu on August 28, 2015 at 8:27 pm

      Haha munca titanica :))

      Mersi mult Rares! Cu subtitrarile am ajutor totusi

      Da, trimite-mi poza.

    • Rares on September 13, 2015 at 9:19 pm

      Mersi ca ai raspuns si aici. Pe facebook e ok ?

      • Radu Antoniu on September 15, 2015 at 10:44 am

        Pe facebook nu raspund deloc la mesaje. E singurul loc unde probabil nu am sa-ti vad mesajele

  4. ana/cluj on September 14, 2015 at 8:36 am


    mă întrebam dacă ţii cursuri de personal training.din păcate am nişte discuri vertebrale herniate şi nu prea mai ajung prin sălile de fitness ( plus că nu mai alerg etc…) aş avea nevoie de un program de tonifiere, dar cu un şoc redus asupra coloanei.

    so, you were the one acting in figh club? :))

    merci tare,

    spor în toate.

    • Radu Antoniu on September 15, 2015 at 11:00 am

      Salut Ana !

      Nu sunt si personal trainer. Lucrez doar online.

      Haha e amuzant ca zici de Fight Club pentru ca fizicul lui Brad Pitt imi era obiectivul la inceput :))

      Spor si tie!

  5. Alin on September 24, 2015 at 2:44 am

    Salut Radu am si eu o multa vreme ma tot chinui sa ajung la trupul ala de “zeu grec” ideea e sunt foarte obsedat de aspectul fizic…am fost gras am avut 80 de kg si 1.78 inaltime..apoi am slabit cam pana pe la 60 de ideea e ca am slabit asa mult..deorece sunt obsedat in special de am o fata cat mai “sculptata”..insa sunt constient ca pentru lucrul ala pentru a ajunge la la acel trup trebuie sa iau putina greutate…si sunt constient ca in acelasi timp ma voi rotunji si la momentul de fata a.m 68-70 de as vrea sa stiu daca este de ajuns aceasta cam cate calorii ar trebui sa consum..cate antrenamente sa ce deficit un program care imi arata ca ard cam 400 de calorii pana la liceu si inapoi(aceasta fiind ca o forma de cardio sa zicem) aprecia daca mi-ai raspunde mersi .

    • Radu Antoniu on September 24, 2015 at 5:29 pm

      Salut Alin!

      Ca sa arati musculos si definit cred ca tu trebuie sa ajungi cam pe la 74kg pe la 10% grasime sau mai jos.

      Ar trebui sa atingi standardele astea:
      Talie 43-44% din înălțime
      Împins la Piept la Înclinat – 1.2 greutatea ta x 5
      Împins la Piept la Orizontal – 1.35 greutatea ta x 5
      Tracțiuni cu Greutăți – 1.4 greutatea ta x 5
      Presa la Umeri din Picioare – 0.85 greutatea ta x 5
      Flexii la Biceps – 0.65 greutatea ta x 5

  6. Alin on September 25, 2015 at 9:11 am

    Ok am daca ajung la 74 cam asa..e ok daca consum 2200 de calorii pe zi cu un deficit de 500-600 pe zi? Si daca ajung doar de 3-4 ori la sala?…si ca ultima intrebare. Dupa parerea ta imi poate lua mai mult de sase luni sa ajung la 10 grasime?

  7. Andrei on October 4, 2015 at 9:26 am

    Salut Radu!
    De multă vreme încerc sa scap de surplusul de grăsime de pe abdomen, in special partea inferioară, plus ca as vrea sa cresc si in masa musculară. Momentan am 1,84 înălțime si cam 78kg. Lucrez la birou, nu merg la sala din cauza unei herni dar merg la alergat, tracțiuni, flotări, înot, fotbal. Mulțumesc!

  8. Sebi on October 11, 2015 at 10:25 am

    Salut Radu:D am si eu o intrebare..vreau sa incep perioada de definire si am un program care imi arata cate calorii ard cand merg..:D si as dori sa stiu daca de exemplu merg mai mult intr-o zi automat creez un deficit mai mare de din ce am citit deficitul trebuie sa fie de 500 dar am mai citit ca daca practic “mersul” ca si forma de cardio nu imi afecteaza corpul in sensul sa imi intensifice as dori sa stiu daca am un deficit mai mare as putea manca cateva calorii in plus sau ar fi bine sa “nu ma ating de ele” pentru a slabi mai repede?

    • Radu Antoniu on October 13, 2015 at 7:54 pm

      Da, daca mergi mai mult pe jos ai putea manca mai mult in plus.

      Aici depinde de tine. Poti manca mai mult sau asa cum ai spus poti sa alegi sa slabesti mai repede. Eu ti-as recomanda sa nu ai un deficit mai mare de 25% din mentinere.

      • Sebi on October 15, 2015 at 11:23 am

        ok..:D o singura intrebare as mai avea..prima masa trebuie sa fie slaba ca sa zic am o dilema oarecum..e posibil ca unele informatii nutritionale la anumite produse sa fie gresite?si ca sa fiu mai precis..mereu cand cautam ceva de rontait nu stiam ce sa aleg si ma orientam spre covrigi dar majoritatea aveau intre 400de kcal ceva de genul ceea ce este destul de la un super-market din orasul meu am gasit niste covrigei cu fibre care scrie ca nu au decat 1.5g proeteine 2.2g carbohidrati si 7.84g grasimi si doar 88de kcal..crezi ca e posibil asa ceva?:)) adica mi s-ar parea super tare sa existe asa ceva..aici as vrea mai mult o sensul ca mi se par prea putine kcal pentru covrigi..multumesc frumos si felicitari pentru munca depusa si tot ceea ce faci este foarte de ajutor.

        • Radu Antoniu on October 15, 2015 at 4:40 pm

          De multe ori companiile trec valorile nutritionale pe portii. O portie poate fi 30 de grame spre exemplu. Doar asa ar fi posibil sa aiba doar 88 kcal haha

          Mersi Sebi! Ma bucur ca iti plac articolele 🙂

          • Sebi on October 15, 2015 at 5:38 pm

            ok multumesc foarte mult..da nu stiu ce sa zic:)) m-am uitat acuma si scrie ca pentru 100de grame sunt acele valori e destul de ciudat nu stiu ce sa cred..:))

          • Radu Antoniu on October 17, 2015 at 2:38 pm

            Hmm nici eu nu stiu ce sa zic. N-as prea crede ! haha

  9. Rob Bert on November 17, 2015 at 9:37 pm

    Radu, I see that you are doing the Mega workouts. Looks like these workouts were designed for someone with lagging arm growth.
    Greg has great (genetics) torso development, but his arms need extra volume to catch up.
    You are built a lot like me, good torso, great arms. looks like your arms grow very well. I wouldn’t overdo biceps and triceps exercises. You look good and symmetrical.

    • Radu Antoniu on November 28, 2015 at 4:38 pm

      You’re right Rob.

      But the chest, shoulders and back also get a lot of volume. I think growth would be pretty symmetrical. But I’ll constantly check my arms to make sure they don’t get too big haha

  10. Marius T on December 1, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Buna Radu!
    Vreau sa fac si eu programul greek god. Am vazut tipurile de antrenament split AB sau ABC. Vreau sa fac tipul split AB dar observ ca pentru triceps sunt am doar un singur exercitiu. Asta e tot ce cuprinde programul sau mai fac si altceva?

    • Radu Antoniu on December 3, 2015 at 4:33 pm

      Salut Marius,

      Da, e doar un exercitiu pentru triceps.

  11. carter on December 18, 2015 at 6:00 am

    Hey Radu I was wondering if you knew how to get slimmer thighs I don’t really want to train them that much because I’m afraid of growth

    • Radu Antoniu on December 22, 2015 at 12:03 am

      You can still train legs, just avoid increasing the weights you’re working with. Without progressive overload, increases in size are minimal.

      if you want to reduce the size of your thighs, getting lean usually does it. We store a good amount of fat on our legs and once you get below 10% you usually get much slimmer legs.

  12. Moldovan on March 16, 2016 at 1:56 pm

    Buna Radu, am si eu o intrebare sau o rugaminte, ai putea sa.mi dai si mie un program pe care sa.l urmez, pt crestere in masa musculara?
    Am 65 kg, 1,75 inaltime (26 de ani, daca conteaza asta)…
    Am inceput si eu sa merg la sala de o luna si jumatate dar nu stiu ce program sa urmez sau care se potriveste pt mn…
    Multumesc anticipat!
    Bafta in continuare si Respect!

  13. lokesh on April 2, 2016 at 6:07 pm

    Hi Radu

    First of all would like to congratulate you for getting a great physique naturally and launching a business. It takes lot of efforts, discipline and hard work. Great job. I wish you all the success.

    I myself would have started a youtube channel, a website. However cant find a proper path or mentor-ship. Do you have some advice for me?


    • Radu Antoniu on April 26, 2016 at 5:33 pm

      Hey Lokesh!

      Thank you! Yes I recommend watching this seminar in full and doing EXACTLY what Bob says. You’ll achieve any goal you set.

  14. TONI on May 17, 2016 at 10:43 pm

    Salut…Lasa.mi te rog frumos o adresa de facebook..sau de instagram unde poti vorbi..Ca am cateva intrebari sa ti le pun

  15. Sergiu on May 18, 2016 at 12:23 pm

    Hey Radu am o intrebare legata de nutritie.
    Am inceput recent sa-mi calculez calorile si vreau sa stiu cum calculezi calorile de la cartofi?Inainte sau dupa copt?
    Am vazut ce este o diferenta intre 100g de cartofi cruzi sau copti si vreau sa stiu in ce stare sa-i pun pe cantar

  16. Michael on May 21, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    Hi Radu, I’m sorry to bother you but I know you get tons of fan mail daily so I’m afraid you might not see my email. Based on everything I learned from you, the best thing for a skinny fat person to do is to do Squats, Incline and flat bench press, pull ups and lat pull downs 3 times a week for 3/4 months. Will being consistent to this plan really shape my skinny fat body into a model type physique given I take WHEY protein and try to include as much protein as I can as well as 25% of calorie from carbs. Thank you for your reply and all the best! I’m a huge fan of your channel! -All the way from Malaysia 😀

  17. petru on May 24, 2016 at 6:46 pm

    hei,ce parere ai de cafeaua pe stomacul gol?

    • Radu Antoniu on May 26, 2016 at 8:49 am

      E ok.

      • Cinderella on July 19, 2016 at 12:05 pm

        How neat! Is it really this silpem? You make it look easy.

  18. Emir on June 7, 2016 at 7:22 am

    Hi radu!

    Hey i just did cutting for a couple of month and I’m a little bit afraid with the result. My ribs are shown. I looked like anorexic and havent still reach my goal of cutting yet. My goal of cutting is reaching 30 inches of waist and mine is still 31inch. Is it okay if i do the cutting again? Or maybe what makes my ribs shown is because my muscle development is too little? Thanks radu. Looking forward for your reply.

    Many thanks. 🙂

  19. Aaron on June 28, 2016 at 10:26 am

    Hello, I need help please..
    i’m 6ft tall, 66kg in weight but although light I’m still fat. I have a flabby chest that’s lumpy and doesnt look good no matter what shirt I wear because it keeps poking out. I have a slimmer upper abdomin(able to see slight 4packs) but when it reaches my lower abs, It’s just so flabby! I need your advice please Sir,
    I’m starting to do Intermetent fasting and would have snacks like fruits or some chocolate in the evening and only have 1 meal, which is my dinner at night to reduce my calorie intake.
    I tried weightlifting and following your advice but i have a pinched nerve in my palm which gives me pain when i push upwards during my bench press, therefore as far as workouts go, I do

    20reps of 3 sets of push ups and sit ups everyday.
    I also do lat pull downs and dumbell rows and squats for 10 reps for 5 sets 3x a week.

    Will this help me shed off the unwanted fat and get me to look relatively lean? Is there anything you would adjust? As I have all these fats on my chest and stomach, I feel being in a caloric deficit while eating clean protein and clean food for dinner would be the biggest factor in getting me the results i want, is this true? please advise Radu. Thank you very much! I hope you upload more videos soon! have a nice day!

  20. Doleanu Gheorghe Călin on July 13, 2016 at 7:51 pm

    Hei Radu, mai este disponibil programul Greek God in romana?

  21. Rob on July 21, 2016 at 8:38 pm

    Hey Radu…

    I’ve been plateaued for weeks.

    I agree with increasing work capacity, but I just don’t like straight sets.

    Did you ever try a protocol sorta like the Texas Method.

    Hit a 5 RM ( plus maybe one easy back off set @80%, or not).

    Next workout, do 5 x 5 with 85-90% of 5 RM.

    Then next workout, try for a new 5 RM…

    … And repeat.

    I think I’m going to try that.

  22. Carlos on August 23, 2016 at 8:03 am

    hi radu!
    I was looking for an answer to my problem on your articles and I think I finally found it, but there is just one little thing I didn’t understand.
    in your video “how to minimize fat gain with calorie cycling” on the min 10:20sec of the video which is where I found the answer to my problem I didn’t get when you sad said you “stopped” calorie cycling, so does that mean you changed it to a small surplus everyday?
    in two months and two weeks of bulking my strength has gone up just Lbs on the key lifts (incline press, military press, chin-ups) and I have gained some fat.

  23. Mel Mosqueda on September 5, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    Hi Radu,

    I came across your youtube channel and was interested in your programme.

    However, Im not sure if this still work for my age. I am 36yo and was hoping to have a decent body before hitting the big 4.

    Just recently, I started to go on diet checking calorie intake and regular gym with the hope of becoming more fit and healthy.

    Will the programme still work for me?


  24. breno on September 10, 2016 at 11:06 am

    Hi Radu , hope you are feeling better.

    I did read lots of your articles and it seem to me that your aprouche on diet do not consider as much as it necessary the hormonal response of foods . Calorie count seems to be more important for you.
    From my understanding calorie count does work only in a short time , after 2 years its very hard to find any diet that can get away from hormonal responses of the human body.
    Would like to hear more about this from you .
    Hi from Brasil !
    Get better soon.


  25. jerseys home on September 23, 2016 at 9:31 am

    What’s up, I want to subscribe for tgis blog to obtain latest updates, thbus where
    cann i do it pease assist.

  26. Teddy on February 23, 2017 at 1:01 am

    Hey man I’m 15 years old, 180.5 cm, and 68 kg, my waist is around 76 or 77.5 cm, I’m around 11 or 12 percent body fat. I also have high school soccer practice everyday after school, soccer games around once or twice a week, and think I need 2,200 kcal a day. I was wondering if i could cut down to like 10 percent body fat so that I can get my abs to show, but at the same time i want to build some muscle.

    • Teddy on February 23, 2017 at 4:12 am

      What I am asking is if my daily needed calories looks about right and what should I do to lose body fat and gain muscle. Can you please email me with a reply.

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