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Top 10 Posts on Kinobody & My Fitness Story

In the summer 2013 I reached a point where I was completely disoriented about fat loss and muscle growth. I had read so much conflicting information online I didn’t know what to believe anymore. I remember I followed celebrity workouts at the time. One day I googled “Ryan Reynolds body workout” because I was impressed by his…

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How to Drink Alcohol on a Cut

If your goal is the actor/model type physique I’m sure you also want an active social life. Alcohol is part of that. On occasions such as birthdays, parties, dates, vacations, and so on, you probably want to enjoy a drink or two. You can. Alcohol will not stop fat loss nor will it interfere with muscle growth if…

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How to Lose Fat while Travelling

Vacations are for fun and relaxation. But if you really, really want to, you can actually improve your physique while travelling. You can lose fat and return leaner than you left. There are 3 things you need to do: Stay in a deficit eating only high calorie foods Get sufficient protein to maintain muscle mass…

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How to do Intermittent Fasting for Fat Loss

  For me, skipping breakfast and eating big meals in the evening is the key to easy fat loss. I first learned about Intermittent Fasting in the summer of 2013 when I came across Kinobody. Greg was doing it for a few years and I decided to give it a shot. After trying IF for…

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How to Track Fat Loss Progress

  When someone asks me if their macros are set correctly, their numbers usually look like this: Protein: 158g Fat: 64g Carbs: 217g They are set right to the gram. Obviously they used a calorie formula like Katch McArdle and they want to follow it the best they can for maximum results. This mindset is admirable. However,…

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How to Maintain Low Body Fat while Bulking

I’ve been lean bulking for the last 4 months, steadily gaining weight. Today I realized I’m starting to lose pretty much all ab definition so it’s time to get lean again. The philosophy of gaining muscle without getting fat is very simple. You need to alternate your lean bulks and cuts in the range of…

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How to Return to Lifting after a Layoff

For me, January is the worst month of the year when it comes to weightlifting. After missing workouts during the Holidays, traveling, and barely sleeping it just ends up being a recovery period. You may have missed workouts too. You may have gone back to the gym this month, tried the same weights and discovered you can’t…

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Why You Should Never Push Through Pain

It’s been one month since the last Muscling In episode and you’ll understand why in a minute. In this episode I’m going to give you some updates on how my lean bulk is going in terms of strength, muscle growth and body fat. The main reason I haven’t released lifting videos lately is because my push workout…

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How to Lifestyle Lean Bulk

My opinion is that in the lifting world you have two categories of people: Those that always found it easy to gain weight and muscle but had a hard time getting lean Those that always found it easy to get lean and stay lean but had a hard time gaining muscle The category you find…

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How to Fix Strength Fluctuations

I few weeks ago I received an email that included a very good question: I am having trouble adding weight to my weighted chin-ups. Now it seems that every workout I seem to be losing a rep but sometimes I can easily do 5. Any tips? This is actually a problem that a lot of people…

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