Nutrition for Muscle
How to Improve Fat Loss and Muscle Growth on a Cut
In recent years “broscience” has been losing ground to good information. Protein shakes in the locker room? Only a few guys still do that. Morning fasted cardio to lose belly fat? Almost nobody does that anymore. In 2006 a fat loss plan would look like this: Small meals every two hours, chicken breast and broccoli,…
Read More5 Foods You Should Avoid If You Want High Testosterone
Before we get started I want to make it clear that eating or avoiding these foods doesn’t make that much of a difference. We’re at that point in the series where we’re addressing the details, the icing on the cake. If you have the basics in place, what we addressed in the first 4 episodes,…
Read MoreHow to Eat for High Natural Testosterone
Dieting is notorious for its testosterone lowering abilities. And usually, the bigger the calorie deficit, the bigger the drop in testosterone. The most extreme example are natural bodybuilders. When they step on stage at under 5% body fat, they usually experience near castrate testosterone levels. Why this happens is fairly simple: when you don’t eat…
Read MoreHow to Increase Testosterone Naturally
Testosterone levels in American men have been steadily declining over the last two decades. The reasons for this decline are still unclear, but it seems that your grandfather had about 50% more testosterone than you do at your age. The most common symptoms of low testosterone are: Reduced sex drive and libido Low energy and…
Read MoreHow to Fit Burgers, Pizza and Ice Cream in a Calorie Deficit
According to this infographic the top 5 favorite foods of Americans are: Burger and Fries, Cookies, Pizza, Ice Cream, and Donuts. I’d say that’s pretty accurate. These are probably some of your favorites as well. I know they are definitely in my top 15 and I eat them often. But these darn delicious foods have a problem: they contain…
Read MoreThe Surprising Benefits of a Lower Protein Intake
This post is copied word for word from my new (still unreleased) fat loss program! I wanted to give you a taste of it before the launch. Here we go! The Benefits of Eating just Enough Protein, not More You may have noticed that the protein intake I recommend is lower than most fitness people…
Read MoreFrom Average to Greek God – Step by Step Transformation
Links mentioned in the video: The Greek God Program The Path to your Goal Physique Depending on your current physique, you’ll need to take different steps to reach your goal. If you start from a high body fat percentage, your first move will obviously be to cut. If you start from a very skinny physique,…
Read MoreHow to Lifestyle Lean Bulk
My opinion is that in the lifting world you have two categories of people: Those that always found it easy to gain weight and muscle but had a hard time getting lean Those that always found it easy to get lean and stay lean but had a hard time gaining muscle The category you find…
Read MoreHow to Track Macros without being Obsessive
I talked about this before but I think it’s worth repeating. The way you make tracking macros easy and enjoyable is by having a diet structure. A plan you eat by every day. I have two diet structures, one for cutting and one for bulking. They are very similar: The main reason people get burned…
Read MoreCan't Eat Enough to Gain Weight? Read this
The information part starts at 1:57 I get asked fairly often what should you do if you find it difficult to eat enough food to gain weight. The simple solution is this: Change the foods you eat. You need to start choosing foods that are less satiating so you can eat the same quantity but…
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