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Training for Muscle Growth

Full Body High Frequency Training: Is It Worth It?

For the last five months I’ve trained with a full body routine 4 times per week. Yes, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon last summer. So I thought I’d give you my thoughts on high frequency training since I’m sure you’ve seen the trend and might be interested in trying it out. In short, I like…

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How to Gain Strength Faster Using Periodization

If you went into a gym and asked some of the guys there what’s their method for adding weight to the bar, they will most likely not have a system for it. They’ll probably say they increase the weight when they feel they can do it or when the reps feel easier. That’s fine. In…

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The ThinkEatLift Workout App

Finally! The ThinkEatLift Workout App is here! Click here to get it for FREE! We built it with functionality in mind. Each exercise illustration is clickable so you can adjust the weight in an instant. It comes with built-in routines for novices & intermediates. The app will show you what exercises to perform, how much…

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From Skinny Fat to Muscular | Step by Step Transformation

The Skinny-Fat Physique is a term I use to describe a body that looks skinny with a shirt on and fat with the shirt off. Although skinny-fat people have a low-to-moderate body fat percentage, they still look soft and out of shape because they have very little muscle mass. They tend to accumulate fat easily…

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How to Improve Fat Loss and Muscle Growth on a Cut

In recent years “broscience” has been losing ground to good information. Protein shakes in the locker room? Only a few guys still do that.  Morning fasted cardio to lose belly fat? Almost nobody does that anymore. In 2006 a fat loss plan would look like this: Small meals every two hours, chicken breast and broccoli,…

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Why You Shouldn't Train to Failure

Imagine this scenario: You’re at the gym in the middle of a hard set of bench press. And you have two choices: Do as many reps as you can and have your friend help you complete the last rep. Stop one or two reps before failure and do an extra set with the same weights.…

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How to Improve Strength Gains by Managing Recovery

There are two parts to muscle growth: Creating the stress that disrupts “the comfort zone” Allowing our body to recover from it and improve   In the quest for gains, most people only focus on the first part of the equation: training. But optimizing recovery can make a massive difference for the rate of muscle…

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How to Train for High Natural Testosterone

The testosterone-enhancing properties of resistance training have been known for several decades. However, not all forms of exercise are equally effective for this purpose. Hormones are basically your body’s powerful messengers. When your body has to adapts to a stimulus, it does so by releasing hormones. Those hormones then tell the organs what to do. Testosterone,…

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How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone levels in American men have been steadily declining over the last two decades. The reasons for this decline are still unclear, but it seems that your grandfather had about 50% more testosterone than you do at your age. The most common symptoms of low testosterone are:  Reduced sex drive and libido  Low energy and…

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