What’s Stopping You?
There is a lot of misinformation in the fitness industry...but tens of thousands of GREAT fitness programs are sold every month as well. Do we see tens of thousands of great transformations every month?
Not even close.
What do these statistics mean to you?
You most likely don’t need more information.
You probably already know how to lose fat. You probably already know how to work out. You know it takes time. You know you need to be disciplined. And yet you always find ways to convince yourself you can have a little bit more food. You find a way to convince yourself you deserve a cheat day. Or the most common excuse: you convince yourself you will make up for it tomorrow.
We know it’s wrong. Why do we do this? It’s because of our mental programming.
"How to Finally Achieve your Fitness Goals"*
In this free video course you’ll learn what truly controls your actions and how to make yourself do what you want to do.
Great Resources for Achieving your Goals
Six Minutes to Success, developed by Bob Proctor is designed to get your day started on the right foot. Usually, if we wake up unmotivated, we tend to neglect our disciplines the entire day. By sending you an educational/motivational video every morning, Six Minutes to Success helps you maintain your drive and a positive mental attitude.
The Unstoppable Discipline program exists to help you take daily action towards your goals and no longer be controlled by procrastination. Reading about nutrition or training doesn't get you results. Action does. Only if you change your habits you will actually apply that information.
Key Components to Motivation and Discipline
Why do you want to get your goal physique? Why work that hard? Why bother tracking macros?
Those are questions that only you can answer. The obvious rewards such as looking better, feeling better or being more attractive are NOT good motivators. Sometimes the small, silly reasons are the most powerful.
To identify what your biggest motivators are, write a list of 100 reasons why you want to achieve your goal physique. You’ll never lack inspiration again.
To stay lean and muscular you have to keep the same habits that got you there. If you don’t start seeing your new behavior as normal, you’ll want to get back to your old habits and those habits were the ones that got you fat and unhappy with your physique in the first place. You can’t go back and keep your results.
The actions required to maintain your goal physique feel like dreadful disciplines, only when your goal is not your self image. However, if your self image is your goal, those actions no longer feel like disciplines, they are your normal behavior. You’re just being yourself. We will no longer act like someone who must be bribed, tricked, or forced to pursue our goals, and then rewarded for making any effort at all.
Changing your mental programing is the battle of your lifetime. In the process of changing a habit you hear your voice of reason justifying why it’s ok to go back to your old self.
“I’m tired and I don’t have time to work out today. I can make up for it tomorrow.” “I had a very stressful day, I deserve a big dinner to help me relax.”
The problem is your mental programing talks to you in first person. It sounds like you are talking to yourself and you trust yourself. But you’re talking yourself OUT of achieving your goals. This is the most insidious sabotage possible.
What you must do is differentiate yourself from your thoughts and become the observer. When you hear yourself rationalizing why you should stop being disciplined, recognize that is your old programing talking. You must resist that urge until your new disciplines become your normal behavior.